Meet Autumn, a TRUE Skool CEO Alumni who is now an Intern & After School Support team

Autumn recently graduated from Milwaukee HS of the Arts and is attending Milwaukee Area Tech College pursuing business and entrepreneurship!
5 Questions:
1. Tell us how you found out about TRUE Skool from the beginning and when was that?
I found TRUE Skool summer of 2022 while in a summer internship the program placed me at TRUE Skool.
2. How would you describe the TRUE Skool Experience to a teenager that never heard of it before?
I would say “TRUE Skool is an exciting program designed for teenagers who want to explore their creativity and develop skills in various areas such as music, art, entrepreneurship, and leadership. It provides a safe and supportive environment where young people can express themselves, learn from industry professionals, and collaborate with peers who share similar interests.
3. What are three valuable leadership lessons that you have learned from your TRUE Skool CEO Internship experience that you will continue to share?
The three leadership lessons I learned was Active Listening, Communication and Resilience.
4. Where do you see TRUE Skool in the future, 6 years from now , 2030?
I see TRUE Skool up and running as usual but in a bigger and better campus and/or multiple campuses.
5. Do you have any shout outs you want to give or info you want to share?
I want to give shout outs to Fidel and Shalina for always giving great advice with anything and always giving me great CEO opportunities as a young person.