As we celebrate this milestone, which is the 10th Anniversary of our TRUE Knowledge Library. We recognize the profound impact that (local) authors like the one in this video, have had on inspiring and empowering our youth creatives here at TS and beyond! Our journey, as writers, is one of the most important superpowers we have to share!
We have hosted some amazing authors over the years & 2024 was/is no exception! Authors Dr Keyona Walker + @kavoncortezjones shared their literary experiences and motivation with our students as we prepare to share our #TRUEKNOWLEDGEZine at the upcoming @milwaukeezinefest on SATURDAY 4/20 & get ready for our SPRING SHOWCASE GALLERY Thursday, May 9th at Radio Milwaukee!!!
Our students were super inspired!!!!! Both authors stayed and spoke with student poets and writers, they had so many smart ideas and questions!
Thanks to everyone who has supported and contributed to our library over the last 10yrs!! 📚 we have sent thousands of books to schools in #uganda x #ghana through the African Library Project, donated books and other supplies into the #littlelibraries built and installed in collaboration with @groundworkmke, and also gifted countless books to our students!
We’ve produced x published our TRUE Skool yearbooks, student Zines with @thebinderymke , and we even hosted a book fair at @barnesandnoble !! Oh yeah, also our annual Activity books with @sculpturemke and we published our own Special Edition with @genreurbanarts & we’re just getting started!!
Through this live little library inside TRUE Skool, we’ve connected with so many dope authors and illustrators & we are grateful to each one of YOU! 📖 ✍🏽 Our TRUE Knowledge Library is a space where we chill, do homework, get quiet time, reset, podcast, and research references for our creative projects AND it's also an active archive of so much KNOWLEDGE! Most books and other items are donated by connected and respected community members who understand how important this primary element of Hip Hop is, it's EVERYTHING!
We invite you to share your BOOKS, stories and wisdom with our TRUE Skool community, highlighting the power of intergenerational storytelling and the potential for youth to publish and monetize their work! Are you an author? Reach out to us!! We are always working on publishing new student materials, let's work together!

Learn more about: Dr. Keyona Walker & Kavon Jones!
For flashbacks and fun, here is our Virtual TRUE Knowledge Library Anniversary we hosted in 2020!!! 😲