This summer some of our youth interns or Summer CEOs as we call them got the opportunity to engage with a very important and informative campaign happening in Milwaukee called Liberate MKE. This was a perfect chance for our interns to learn more about how city government works and also find out what , who and why people in the community are organizing a huge response and objection to the current proposed city budget. After some hard conversations and realizing that too much of the city's entire resources go only to police and law enforcement our Youth Fighting 4 Justice media team started to brainstorm some creative ways to help spread the awareness and highlight some other areas that the city leaders and elected officials could consider spending dollars to impact Milwaukee's citizens besides more militarized cops.

We held a TRUE Knowledge session where our entire group got the overview of what's happening with the City Budget, our students had some great questions and ideas. The LiberateMKE folks have been surveying to find out what people think about the proposed city budget and where they would like to see their tax dollars go. Prevention and positive neighborhood improvements like fixing lead pipes and street potholes, more youth and family services and also treatment centers are a few things that we saw that were important to youth and community members.
Take a look at this dope short film/video (and music) created by our Youth Fighting 4 Justice Media Team - stay tuned for more!
It's so important to get young people interested and active in local politics! We are looking forward to working with more local orgs that think this same way!