Support TRUE Skool TODAY!
TRUE Skool strives to be a self-sustainable organization. We are not only a non-profit but also a business! We believe in social enterprise, and we are always seeking ways to support TRUE Skool in addition to the traditional Foundation/Donor support.
If you are a visionary interested in investing in TRUE Skool mission, consider the following:
Specific Campaigns General Donations
Volunteer In-Kind Support
Purchase Student Art/Music Donate working
Music or Video Equipment

Volunteer Opportunities
TRUE Skool is always looking for volunteers to help out with events, tutoring , mentorship, programming, community clean-ups and special projects!
We provide high school and college students with volunteer and service learning opportunities that will fulfill their service learning requirements and earn credits for their time spent with TRUE Skool, as well as community members and youth just interested in helping out!
Call us to schedule a tour and to learn more about current volunteer and community service opportunities!
TRUE Culture Keepers OF TRUE SKOOL
A group dedicated to supporting TRUE Skool through fundraising efforts, event planning, and volunteerism. By becoming a FOTS you agree to contribute a minimum of $25.00/a month
We also ask that you recruit at least 5 of your friends to become a TRUE Culture Keepers through monthly recurring giving.
The personal satisfaction of knowing your continued support helps keep TRUE Skool’s after-school and summer sessions funded throughout the year.
You'll be notified of volunteer opportunities and events to become more involved with TRUE Skool.
Receive TRUE Culture Keeper Badge
Receive early notice and on special (Culture Keepers) TRUE Skool events.
You’ll be saving trees since monthly giving is paperless.
Monthly payment: As a “TRUE Culture Keeper" online monthly donor, you will be automatically registered to make a credit card donation every month. After you make your initial donation, your credit card will be charged on the same day of every month. For example, if you choose to make a monthly donation of $50 today, your next donation of $50 will be automatically charged on the same day of the following month, and each subsequent month thereafter. You can use the tools available on once you register to print your own statements or request one from TRUE Skool to track your giving.
Credit Card: Please maintain a sufficient credit limit on your credit card on the payment date. If we are unable to process your gift you will be notified via email.
Record of payments: The amount and date of your monthly gift will appear on your credit card statement and you can receive statements from once registered as a monthly recurring donor.
Account/donation change: To ensure timely payments, please notify us of any credit card updates or address changes by phone or email (see below) at least 5-7 business days before the charge date of your monthly recurring donation.
If you would like to mail in donations:
TRUE Skool, Inc.
161 W. Wisconsin Ave, Suite LL1000
Milwaukee, WI 53203
Tours of TRUE Skool are offered on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays starting at 11a.m. Schedule an appointment today!